Love sucks for those loving someone in secret. Love sucks for those in love with a friend Love sucks for those who got cheated on, used got played. Love sucks for those who can’t get the love back. Love sucks for those in love with the wrong person at the wrong time. Love sucks for those who has the kind of love unaccepted by society. Love sucks for those who got ditched and left behind. Love sucks for those secretly in love with their best friend. Love sucks for those who got rejected. Love sucks for those who can’t move on. Love sucks for those who waited for nothing. Yes, love may suck,but whatever story you may have, loving someone is still the best feeling you’ll ever get. And for sure you don't need any "Saint's" day to show love to the person you Love, so i say fuck you valentine and all of you making MONEY on Loves name ...
"Study me as much as you like, you will never know me, for I differ a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes, and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see." — Rumi